I know the title is little disturbing and might be considered against company policies in many companies however, it's not targeted to any company.
I've been into two companies now and I've a long list of friends who just like me work in different companies. Some are big companies like @#$%^& and some are start-ups like $%&^&(* ( I don't want to name any company here). We all have our jobs which help in paying the bills and probably getting settled and living a non-risky normal life.
I love working. I seriously do. But, not in a way some companies way. I seriously do not work for 8 hours. And I'm sure majority of us don't. I'm not saying that we can't but again we can't on a daily basis. However, companies don't seem to get that. They enforce 8-9 hour reporting policies, stupid automated systems to send mail to your manager if you worked (actually, were in office) for less hours. Work hours is one of the many stupid ideas Indian IT industry has. Somehow, it got passed on to other industries.
There was a post recently in Al-Jazeera about workers who were kept locked in chains in Bangladesh and made to work for 16+ hours a day. The funny thing is, this you call a torture in Bangladesh or India, but if you do such thing in Indian IT company, it's called "hard work" or "delivery time" but never torture. For some, it gets paid off, but a little extra time in office daily never gets paid off. By the way, in Japan such thing is normal :P
I'm not suggesting that you should not work for 8 hours a day or be disloyal to your company. I'm suggesting that companies should make policies more relaxed so that employees have one less thing to worry about. After all, it's the employees who make companies.
p.s. dedicated to all over-committed employees :P