I wanted to make a Wall E Cabinet of my own but I lacked those Workshop skills (coz my instructor told me that "you computer/IT students don't need to learn these", and he did all the assignments for us).
But, russians are hell of engineers !
If you want to make a Wall E for your own, here is the link
Since it's in russian, you will need online tools such as Google Translator ( http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en# ) or Yahoo Babefish ( http://babelfish.yahoo.com/?fr=avbbf-us ). I assume that you know how to use these tools.
It's a complete guide to make Wall E Cabinet. From steel sheets cutting to your whole Wall E. It has pics of every procedure.
So far as we can tell, this robotic PC even opens up his own optical drive, and he can also send out love letters to one "Eeeevvvaaaaa" without human intervention. A thing of beauty, no?
Update: The link is sometimes down. Try opening it later.