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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Names

I have been listening to stories since I first came into this world. Some I understood, some I didn't. Some which weren't supposed to be listened too.

Anyway, as I got old enough to tell stories, I've been telling stories. Stories that involve fairies for start, batman next, superman after that. As I realized those were cartoons, I started telling stories of people who lived around me. Some fascinating stories, some evil deeds and lot more. Reality is really amazing than fiction.

But, I realized it very late ( in college ) that I was doing it wrong. B'coz I was telling the names. I mean the real names of people involved in them. All those fairies, batman and all other hell kind of stories too had names, but they were not real.

The whole point is, it's good to not use names when you are telling any incident to your friends. The person involved may not be around. Still if you give out the name, it might hurt him/her sooner or later. I've seen this, we usually talk more about skepticism and not the good things someone did.

You could always choose to tell story like one of my friend did this while he/she was with someone @ someplace. Give a broader thing to stumble people to. So, that they are more focused on the story not the identity of the person.

So, that's the reason my friends, I've been not telling you any names lately.


Altamash said...

there are two things wrong with this
One- the People listening to your stories can randomly link up to someone which might not be case.
Suppose you are telling them abt a girl, they will for sure think that its your GF

Second- People feel unimportant because you are trying to hide identity of someone from them, which they find offensive

Aakash Sharma said...

1- Everybody has free thinking, they can always think things up. At least, they won't be able to prove or come to a conclusion or anything coz I didn't give out the name. They cannot point to single person with confidence, that's for sure.

2- I believe telling a thing without a name is better than lying coz you could always lie easily, but you can hide the person's identity (which some would always like) and be true @ the same time without giving out the name.

Anonymous said...

I Agree with Altamash
At times it better hide name but not always name do make influnce and make impact in the story telling
Consider a situation where you had to choose either one of story to listen.
One is of one of your friend(or person to whom you know).another of some unknown person.which one would you prefer??
and moreover human have tedency to know things which are hidden.
So rather than concentrating on story people think about the identity of the person .

Aakash Sharma said...

hey anonymous

see, when story is good, you can always tell names. No one would mind unless there's a bad impression about someone. it's like praising someone.

even at certain times, when the story is good for you like you kissed someone. however, it MIGHT BE embarrassing for other person.

suppose it's not good, then how the heck would you get benefit from telling the name. it's like "hate the game, not the player". so, hate the act not the person.

that's why, no names is good when the story isn't.

Anonymous said...

ur new look of blog doesn't look good :)
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